

special products

Introducing local experience products that are popular among foreign visitors to Japan.

Japanese regional campaign

Let’s enjoy Japan for the first time in a while! Introducing the voices of local people in each region in articles. Enter your impressions of articles about your favorite region in the application form and get a wonderful gift.


【Okinawa】"How to Truly Relax in Okinawa" - A Guide by Cost-Efficient and Practical Okinawa Locals
【Okinawa】"How to Truly Relax in Okinawa" - A Guide by Cost-Efficient and Practical Okinawa Locals

Enjoyable even without a rental car! Ishigaki Island sightseeing recommendations – The ultimate guide to sightseeing and accommodation areas!
Enjoyable even without a rental car! Ishigaki Island sightseeing recommendations – The ultimate guide to sightseeing and accommodation areas!